Sponsors. Partners. Donors.
Our mega mission is successful because of YOU!
Sponsorship of Dec' the Deployment® is a fantastic way to give back to military families in your community! By supporting our community outreach, you are directly helping to disseminate stressors from struggling military families going through tough deployments, who are unable to get home for the holidays or who are starting their new tradition away from family and loved ones.
First, take a look at our sponsorship tiers, then get in touch here. We would love to get you involved in our mission to change more lives of military families.

We LOVE our partners and can't imagine what we'd do without them! These partnerships are considered essential continuous collaborations and efforts... including donated child care to fight spouse isolation during deployments, local community partnerships to better the quality of life, and even coffee (to fuel our volunteers with all the energy!)
If you're interested in becoming an ongoing partner, please reach out to us by clicking here.